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Coronavirus/Covid19 Update

Your safety is of utmost importance to us.  While we continue to provide care in the office we are taking the following precautions to limit the spread of Coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2):

  • Please wear a mask if you are experiencing symptoms or have recently had symptoms. 

  • Asking patients to limit the number of guests accompanying them to their visits.

  • Frequent sensitization of patient areas and work surfaces

  • Frequent hand-washing by all staff and providers

  • Reduced staffing/staggered shifts

  • Reducing the number of patients in the office at any time 

  • Follow up scheduling and testing being arranged by phone to minimize patient transit time


PLEASE DO NOT COME TO OUR OFFICE if you have fever, cough, or other respiratory symptoms. 


If you have concerns about whether you may have or be exposed to COVID 19 please call your primary care provider BEFORE visiting your provider's office, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room.


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